Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello Friends

Here I am Still in Salt lake. Enjoying it for the most part!!! I love the Singles ward I am in!!! I love those that I have met so far!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To all my readers !

Dear friends and family happy valentines day I love you and would like you all to know that things are going ok here in salt lake. It is starting to look like we will be staying here. Please have a wonderful v day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Heading out for Salt Lake City!!!

We are heading out!!! I am so Happy to the point that waking up at 7:00 Am ,after not going to bed till almost 2:00 Am , to clean and be elbow deep in nasty dish water for hours.. does not seem too bad. Yes I am tired and probably covered in germs from nasty water, but that's ok, I am going to be there in time to go on a date with a really great guy on Friday. Happy Day!
I won't be able to really Blog up there since you kinda need internet for that. So Just in case I don't Get to Blog for Valentines day... HAPPY SINGLE AWARENESS DAY... For those of you that are Single! And Happy Valentines Day for those that are happily Married, Or have a wonderful special some one. 

Pray For my family so that my Dad may find a good job and that we may find a place to call home! 
And for those up north that I hope to see you!! Text me!!! or call!!! Love You!!!