Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Days that go by

I really have not had the time to write here in a few days on the 26th I went to St George with my best friend Aveda and her sister. We had spent the night before playing the Wii and having fun. I need to practice my video game skills haha. Going to the city was a nice get away from normal life to enjoy a day in the city. We watched a movie and had dinner and did some shopping.
 The 27th I spent most of the day writing up a talk on the Holy Ghost for my cousins baptism. It was stressful.


The 28th I went to church with my mom and dad. I had spent the night at the night in my own bed but with Alveda is used to sleeping in that bed all on her own and like took it over there was hardly and room for Willie and I. ( for those that don't know Willie is my dog half Chiwawa and half Italian Greyhound) Sunday night our ward had a family home evening night where every one brought a presentation for " search for good" I brought some of my bottled herbs that had some of their benefits written on them. After I was kinda asked to teach a enrichment night on Herbs.

The 29th Alveda had spent the night and we hung out around the house made cookies and watched a movie.

Today I did not want to wake up. My dreams were heavenly. Why do I dream on of a prince coming and sweeping me off my feet still. I want to serve a mission and I refuse for my childish romantic dreams to distract me from my mission. Can you make your self only dream about mission stuff? Is it normal to dream of falling  in love?

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