Love is such an odd thing. I have now felt a love so strong that I was swept away to a world that left me i a constant waltz. But some times love ends with heartbreak. Not really ending, for I still love him very deeply but I know now it was not to be, and tho it can hurt from time to time I will not look back on it with weeping eyes but the eyes of one who has learned and grown just that much more. The lessons this lost love has taught me is that I do not need any one to make me whole, to keep me safe nor make me happy. I am capable of that my self. I am a powerful woman of light and I can stand on my own two feet and face the world with my head held high. I do not need a man to hold me and care for me. I have always been blessed with knowing how to take care of myself and being the one that got to do that, but before I thought of it as a burden like " poor me I have to care for me there is no one here to be here for me" well the thing is I had all I ever needed I had me. I just never new what a great gift that was. The gift of me. Not only do i get to be there for me but just by being here for me I am also there for those around me. I inspire and lift the spirits of those around me. Yes I deserve to some day have some one love me. I deserve some day to be with some one that I share a love with even deeper than that I shared with the one that I just ended a romantic relationship with. Who knows, there is a chance that I have already met that powerful man of light and then it could be that I meet him tomorrow or even down the road farther but I live in the moment not the past nor the future and so therefor when he shows up in my life as that love it will be in the perfect moment.
I am happy with my life for I am a great creator and I can create it the way I deserve for it to be. I know that I create already carefree and childlike energy for others to live in that are near me for those that around me begin to experience their inner child begin to dance and play once more. I am as a light breeze that dances through a child's hair as she chases a butterfly. I am as the water that playfully flows past the stones inviting little boys to come and search for frogs. I am as the sun light that encircles the teen girl who sits daydreaming on the hill. I am the child that chases the butterfly and searches the water for frogs, I am the young teen who dreams of knights and first love. I am beauty I see around me, the love that flows so freely and peace that radiates in the heart. I am light and I am love. My father in heaven created me as such. Because he created me I am also part of him and he is part of me, and by that I have the power to create my life as I deserve it to be. The life I choose to create for me is that of beauty and love and peace. I chose to live in abundance and joy. I create all these things.
You know I can see the growth and change in me and it is literally immeasurable. For one thing I love my life so much more. I am sure my readers can see some of the changes in me. I also know that I was a good actress though. My blog has pretty much always had uplifting things written in it along with the random but to be honest with you I did not live by the things I wrote they were things my heart knew but my mind got in the way. for I write from my heart. I have always been blessed with that gift. haha that must have been why I loved to write English papers that had feeling but hated reports with only fact. Now I live in my heart and what a great world it is that I see.
OMGOSH Bellah! That was so beautiful!!! I think every girl that's ever gone through a heart break needs to read that, and realize the wonderful gift of her! It was poetry!!!