Sunday, January 6, 2013


The power of a woman. I love men I do. And there is many woman that I admire. Why is it tho that so many allow others to push them around? I used to be that way. I was abused in the past and for the longest time I let that rule my life. Always fearful that a hand would be raised at me and just accepting that " that is what I deserved". Then I learned something. I learned to love myself and in that I learned the power of a woman. I learned that I am beautiful. I never believed I was a beauty in fact I was convinced I was a fat unholy awkward girl with nothing to give to the world. Then I saw. I gave thought to what would happen if I never was here. I even spoke to some about it. My parents would have never had a child until my baby sister but then would my baby sister be here if my mom would have never had me for she could have given up on having kids all together. That is just an example. And I am not the only one it is the same way for us all. It pains me when I see those that do not see. They do not see the magic they posses. Each person I see is so beautiful it amazes me. And they don't see what they deserve. Pure love and happiness. They deserve the best of the world. I learned this for my self. I deserve a man that will never hurt me. I deserve never to settle. And this is what I wish for is that ever one can see that guy, gal, boy , girl, woman or man. Stand up for your self please. If she treats you like luggage, walks all over you, hits you or plays mind games that hurt you walk away find your better. If he yells at you, make you feel worthless, beats you or forgets you leave! Find your prince! Stand up for your self! There is magic in you!! Don't let some one take that away.
Look at what us woman do. We take on pain each month. We have all this emotion that we cary and really we never let the world see it all. They could not handle it all. Many many women have shown their power. We get to stand tall. And for the men that read. I still love you but I do not and will not fear for. I need not to. I am one powerful woman. Show your girl the power they have in them.

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