Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Fave!! Roses (and their meanings! )

Red roses are the traditional symbol for love and romance, and a time-honored way to say "I love you." The red rose has long symbolized beauty and perfection. Red roses are the most popular valentine roses.

Dark Red,
Dark red roses represent unconscious beauty. They are a bold expression of love, and yet they are captivating and enigmatic. Dark red roses have the aura of mystery though they leave virtually nothing unsaid.

As a symbol of grace and elegance, the pink rose is often given as an expression of admiration. Pink roses can also convey appreciation as well as joyfulness.They're often seen in bridal arrangements, thank you or congratulations bouquets. They indicate pride, and a heart-felt appreciation. They say "Thank you""I'm very happy with our relationship." or"sympathy". Thus often being used. Though it does make me wonder if some one is handing you a pink rose on your wedding day is it saying " Thank you for inviting me to your wedding" Or " My Sympathy on your wedding"

The bright, sunny color of yellow roses evokes a feeling of warmth and happiness. The warm feelings associated with the yellow rose are often akin to those shared with a true friend. Yellow says "I care" and "I'm happy with our friendship."

White roses represent innocence and purity and are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings. The white rose is also a symbol of honor reverence, and sincerity,and white rose arrangements are often used as an expression of remembrance. Sometimes called "the flower of light", one of the meanings of white roses is everlasting love - love stronger than death, an eternal love, undying and all sustaining. "I miss you" and "You're heavenly."

With their blazing energy, orange roses are the embodiment of desire and enthusiasm. Orange roses often symbolize passion and excitement. Orange roses celebrate new beginnings. Pride, and best wishes are also some other meanings of the orange rose."I am so proud of you", the orange rose says. Also "I desire you" or "I desire to get to know you better". So I guess it just matters really on who is giving you it.

The unique beauty of the lavender rose has captured many hearts and imaginations. With their fantastical appearance, lavender roses are a perfect symbol of enchantment. The lavender rose is also traditionally used to express feelings of love at first sight. Saying.."I have fallen in love with you and am enchanted by you."

Blue roses do not occur in nature, at least not the absolute blue roses. Blue roses lack the pigment that produces blue color.The blue rose means mystery,it symbolizes the impossible, or the unattainable. "You are extraordinarily wonderful", the blue rose exclaims.

The green (turquoise) rose, again not abundant in nature.The meaning of the green (turquoise) rose is fertility and also symbolizes richness, abundance and bounty.

The pale peach rose is modesty.Pale peach roses celebrate the closing of a deal.

Death and mourning, grief, loss and mortality. A single black rose might be sent by a close friend and/or loved one leaving for a war or on a journey from which he did not expect to return. But, a more positive meaning does exist for the black rose. It is true that black is the color of death. But death does not always cause mourning. It can also be the beginning of new things, a journey into unexplored territory.

Mixture of White and Red Roses;"May we always be together as one."

Two Roses Entwined,
An engagement or marriage is imminent. So I guess that means if you and your Boyfriend are on a date and he hands you Two roses twisted together you can start thinking how you are going to answer.

 11 roses of one color and then 1 of a contrasting color; Say that the person that is resieving them is unidue and that is one reason they are loved. " You Stand out amongst the rest and I am honored to have you in my life"

Other Numbers;
A perfect dozen shouts "Be mine!"

Two dozen roses shouts "I'm yours!"

Three dozen says "I'm head over heels in love!"

Forty roses says, "my love for you is genuine."

To express a love that knows no bounds, send a bouquet that's equally as limitless - filled with fifty (or more) beautiful luxurious roses.

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