Thursday, December 22, 2011

An Angel at the Manger

She floated with the rest as she was called to. The Shepherds Trembled below as the angels neared. She paid little attention and barely hit her notes as the Heavenly Choir sung in perfection. Her eyes were on the glorious star that lit the blessed place where he lay. She wanted to be there with her lord, though she knew it was a great honor to just to sing of his coming. "Glory to God" she sang out clear her voice floating over the mountains " And Peace on..." she wished to see for herself the Child that was born. “Peace on earth” Angel or not she was not perfect but she knew with his help she could be. As the rest began to fade she drifted lower towards the Shepherds only to be stopped.
Gabriel Stood tall before her and looked at her with such question in his eye. " Young Sister?" He called to her.
She folded her wings behind her and bowed her head. " I only wished to gaze upon our brother"
"but we must sing more of his birth" he set a gentle hand on her shoulder and directed her back towards the heavens.
She did not go and sing with them though, instead she watched from the heavens as the shepherds made their way to the child. She felt so drawn to him She wished to travel with the humble shepherds. With a glance around her she slipped, of course unseen, down and began to walk with the shepherds, guiding a younger boy upon the lose rocks they stumbled upon. As they she came upon Bethlehem she was astonished at how many people went on about their way with  out pausing for the King of Kings who laid  in their own town.
" Do they not know? " She spoke out though no one could hear her. She wondered why they did not sing to those here. "Should not every one know of his coming." She gazed up at the star and floated along with the shepherds as they started away from the inns and homes. Questions again filled her mind. " How Could there have not been room for the lord?" She could see the quiet place where Mary and Joseph had taken shelter, the humble stable lit by the star's light.
She stood by the door as the others entered reverently. " My lord Lies in a manger?" She whispered peering in from the door way. She watched late into the night, long after all had left and Mary and Joseph had laid to rest. She did not dare enter for she was just a simple angel who had not even been given her body yet. A choir member, with no notable deeds. She knew though that she had to go to him and kneel to see him, It was of her deepest desires. She slowly floated to him and settled by his manger.
Her eyes took in the sight of her sleeping Lord on the hay.  She began to cry. " Oh Lord my King forgive me for I just wanted to be near you" She bowed her head as she knelt there at his side. After moments of kneeling in the silence she heard a soft sigh from the babe and looked to his face. His wondrous eyes met hers and she knew that he would see her sitting there. Peace Embraced her. She knew that he understood all. That he even knew of her life to come. Hard and cold with many tears, she would even forget that this child had came for her. She could see his love in his eyes and knew that though she would forget him he would always remember her. Tears in her eyes she softly sung a song of her heart as the baby in the manger drifted back into his slumber.~ By Me

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