Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beauty tips.

I will admit that for the last few days I have slightly freaking out about my looks. With the chance that I may be moving to Salt lake I know I will be dating a bit more.In fact I have a date with a very amiable guy. One that I have been friends with for quite some time now. Even with knowing him and him being one of the only men I called upon to Bless me when I was sick ( meaning he saw me in my worst really) I am still nervous about how I will look when on the date. This is certainly not our first date by any means, I should have gotten all those jitters out over a year ago when he took me out for Pizza and we watched a movie at my place. I went on a date with him in the final part of last year to a dance and I asked him out. So why should I be at all nervous now, especially on my looks, He knows what I look like!!! haha. Well that is not the only point even if I did not have a date with him already set up ( that I am exceedingly ecstatic about) I would still be worried on my appearance. What girl, gal, woman, lady, young or old does not worry about how they look from time to time. So I have been torturing myself brushing my teeth so much just hoping they will seem shiny and white, Begging my hair to grow and shine, Scrubbing my face, caking it in acne medicine, wondering what crash Diet I can do to be thinner and just plane worrying to the point that instead of a crash Diet I end up crashing into my bed. It is exhausting really. And in the end there is not really much to show for it. Perhaps my teeth may be a bit whiter, my skin may eventually clear back to a nice clean look, my hair might even grow a half an inch in the next month , but really will the guys I may go on dates with in the next say six months even notice. Most likely not. At least the ones worth being with will not care about that. What is outer beauty any ways? I have met some girls that I just stop and stare at and think they are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. But once I get to know them some I can tell that their beauty is only skin deep and will not last. I have decided that the beauty I need to strive for is not in Crash Dieting or globs of make-up covering my face making it one boring shade but in other ways. The beauty that comes with the light of the lord. I want my eyes to shine with his love. I appearance to be lovely for the good deeds and love I bring with it. I am not saying that from this day on I will not do my make up, I am not even saying that on the day of a date I do not try on 20 different outfits near tears that I can not seem to find the one that I "Think" makes me look Beautiful. I am not saying that I am going to stop looking in the mirror cursing a break out of acne or freak out when I am bloated and cant seem to make those love handles hide. But I am saying that I am going to stop torturing my self with home remedies on how to whiten teeth or rid my face of zits or bladda bla.  I am going to try to find that beauty that can not fade. The beauty that would still stop some one in there tracks even if I was bald and my face deformed with my body a blob about me. The beauty that makes you look past the physical appearance to the light beyond. 

   Sam Levenson
    For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 
 For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 
 For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. 
 For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day. 
 For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. 

Beautiful To him

"So much noise
so much peace destroyed
i can hardly hear the voice
leading me through the void
just so much noise

the world's little lies
destruction in disguise
opportunities to compromise
to make me beautiful in their eyes
but i'm not going to buy
the world's little lies

cause i define myself and find my beauty in
the light he gives
i'm refined by his divine intentions every day i live
it doesn't matter what the world believes
or what they say that beauty means
it comes from within...
i wanna be beautiful to him.

he's given me his trust
so i'll be strong enough
to run from a dangerous touch
i don't need THAT kind of "love"
i don't need that crutch
he's given me his trust.

cause i define myself and find my beauty in 
the light he gives
i'm refined by his divine intentions every day i live
it doesn't matter what the world believes
or what they say that beauty means
it comes from within.....
i wanna be beautiful to him.

I know how to shine
my life's not really mine
it's not about a worldly climb
it's all about HIS design
so in his eyes...
i wanna shine.

cause i define myself and find my beauty in 
the light he gives
i'm refined by his divine intentions every day i live
it doesn't matter what the world believes
or what they say that beauty means
it comes from within...
i wanna be beautiful to him.

i want to live to have his peace
and feel the holiness he sees
it comes from within.....
i wanna be beautiful
to Him. "

1 comment:

  1. Awesome :) This really made me feel pretty today ^_^ and you're beautiful inside and out, just like a Daughter of God should be!
