Monday, January 30, 2012

A Rewritten English Essay

Mom says I blog so much because I miss having an English class that I was forces to write some thing once a week for. I am really an avid writer. In fact it used to be as soon as a teacher gave us a writing assignment I had like a page worth of info and things I wanted my paper to say before he/she got done explaining. I am a dork I know.. but you still love me.
This Essay I have decided to rewrite is one I did for my English 1010 class ( kinda old) On hope. It is short but I hope you enjoy it.

Sitting on a lonely bench, watching the other dancers seem to float by, I hope that my prince charming will walk through those gym doors and dance the night away with me. I sit just hoping. I have spent many dances in such a fashion. Eyes darting from one guy to another hoping that just one of them will ask me to dance.Hoping that a later comer will show and see that I am not dancing off into a daze in some ones arms. I will not miss a dance just for that reason, the hope that I will find some one to be my prince.Hope, I believe is one of the deepest strongest emotions a human can feel. 
What is hope? Hope is to want or desire, to believe the impossible may just happen and much more. A roman teacher once taught " While there's life there is hope." An Encyclopedia would define hope "as a belief in the positive out come related in ones daily life. " Hope is our dreams we wish to become reality; such as becoming a singer, writer or getting the car you always wanted. Hope is what brings our dreams one step closer to becoming reality.
We hope at all times with out even thinking about it. " I hope I pass my math exam.","I hope he notices me.", " I hope the car does not run out of gas.", " I hope..." I believe that we use the word hope at least once a day and perhaps many more times in our thoughts. It is human nature to hope. We really can not stop hoping. Hope is the core of the human heart; it is what drives us on. We always hope that out there some where may be some thing better than what we have. The richest man in the world hopes for something. 
Hope takes never ceasing to be amazed, wearing your heart on your sleeve, just holding your breath, waiting to hear the sweet words of love you long for.Hope is knowing that tomorrow could be better than today, that you might get your chance to make a difference. You only live as great as you hope to live. If you never dream to be better than what you are now you will never strive to be better and that is where hope comes in. 
Hope brings peace. A prince may hope to live a plain and simple life of a commoner, while a milk maid sits and daydreams of life in the castle. Both of their hopes most likely will never happen, but hope keeps them going. Perhaps the milkmaid does not mind delivering milk to the castle for the chance that a prince may fall in love with her. Hope burns in all of our hearts helping us step out of the dark pits of our lives and move on.
Hope can hurt. Back on the lonely bench at the dance, no prince comes to sweep me off my feet, instead I sit alone, hope burning in my heart. At the end of the dance my hopes are crushed when the last song has ended and I start my way back home.I feel hopeless and stupid by how I just wasted a whole night sitting on a bench, hoping so deeply for a prince. Like the milkmaid I know that my hopes may be unrealistic, but as I think of giving up completely a shimmer of hope whispers to my heart " Maybe next time." I can again stand upright and wait for the next time, for hope lives in every moment of every day and hope will go on. 

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