Thursday, September 8, 2011

It is so interesting how you  can think that you will never speak to or see a person again in your life and then some how that person ends up back in your life and it is just what you need. Life is very fascinating! It seems that one moment you think you have every thing figured out and then you  blink and every thing tumbles down around you. The past collides with the present and the future lingers all around you.I have some knew views on things.
First off; Friends. Friends are like looking into the sky and seeing all the stars before you. They are all wonderful You don't see them all the time but they seem to always be there. Yet there are some that are really not there at all. You see some of the stars we see every night are no longer there but it takes years and years upon years for their light to travel to earth and b see. So you can see them but they are not really there. That is how it is with friends in a way you can see them and you thing them as friends but really they are not there. It also works the other way. There are some stars that you can not see at times but they are there being the star they have always been. Some friends we don't see for a very long time and believe they are gone but then really they have been there the whole  time being the same friend as they were when you could see them.

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