Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sheet forts

Tonight Elisabeth and I played with swords and then we played with poppers until it started thundering. So we built a tent out sheets and I taught her how to do patty cakes. Mom got home and scolded me for teaching her how to make forts  out of sheets ( As a child I was not allowed to make sheet forts, too messy). She loved it tho, she stayed in there watching a movie on her lil TV thing till she fell asleep and I carried her to bed.
Am I crazy to be wishing I had a child of my own. I like to think that I would be a good mother. I mean I always imagine that I would be the type to sit up all night just watching my new borns face thinking how blessed I am just to have a moment with that Dear lil spirit as my own. I want to sit up all night as my baby cries and be like my mom who when ever I cried she cried as well. ( she says our tear ducts are connected)
I could see me singing to my child late into the night. haha I could see me building forts for my tots and teaching them how to dance in the rain. Blowing bubbles with them til i turn blue, Holding them in my lap as they drift to sleep.
 Swinging in hammocks till the sun is gone. Making sugar cookies and leaving them on doorsteps for others to enjoy. Reading bed time stories. My husband would come home from a long day at work to find me asleep under a huge tent made of sheets or elbow deep in cookies for my kids to give to the neighbors. weekends will ALWAYS  be fun filled for my whole family. they will be filled of mini trips ,outings, games, adventures, and just good fun. Yes in every family there are money problems and small fights but I will look past those all and smile. My children will grow not knowing that they lack for the happiness that will always be around them.All smiles! no its not like they will live in a fairy tale just a happy home.

          In fact if I think of it that is how some guy will end up catching me haha. I can be into the dinner and movie stuff but the quickest way to my heart is the crazy cute dates. Like a simple dinner inside a Fort built of sheets by his own hands. Some thing like that would be amazing. I can just see it in my mind. He would lead me blindfolded to a outdoor fort of sheets. Dinner would be laid out on a pile of blankets and pillows. We would sit there and laugh and talk until night fell and paper lanterns would then light the tent as we shared Plans for the future and tales of the past.

I once had a date kinda like that planned for a day date for a dance once. haha I had laid out pillows and blankets in my dorm room spent hours to perfect the sheet fort I built in there inducing paper lanterns. I cooked a full course meal and had it all laid out and then got the call that the others including my date saying they  had stayed up all night and day and were planning on taking a Nap before the dance and skipping dinner. I never did have the heart to tell them all that I had done. No I just sat there in my fort and picked off a few of the plates laid out. It did not seem to faze me really I remember sitting there not hungry as I looked at the designs made on the sheet walls by the light coming from the lanterns.
All my life I have had one dream date in my mind. That is to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead and then have a picnic on temple grounds. It has always been my Ideal date and I am still waiting to go on that date. lol I have tons of date Ideas. Hey I will list a few here for any one in need of date Plans.

~ Roasting mini marshmallows on toothpicks over a candle.
~ Together Hide lil army men all over a store and then the next date go back and try to find them all.
~ Star gaze and make your own consolations and stories to go along with them ( I did this with the lil girls I taught at camp It was so much fun)
~ Blast from the past; Bring together baby pictures, year books, music you used to listen to, old toys, old games, and just start to learn of each others pasts
~ Have a Christmas together, ( does not matter if it is not Christmas time just have a day planned for your Christmas time) decorate together, makes cards and gifts for each other, tell of family traditions.
~ hide and go seek,
~ go to the playground
~ Walk through a drive through
~ Go on a ride on one of those two seat bikes
~ Have a photoshoot together. Each have a camera and have a war of photos.
~ Pillow fights
~DI Fashion show
~ Shaving cream War
~ Hiking
~ water fight
~ Build a snowman together.
~ Snow ball fight.
~ Cook dinner together
~ Blow bubbles
~ Ice skate
~ Fly  kites
~ Study together
~ have a Reading day( just enjoy the other person being in the room)
~Make a movie a silent movie and make up your own words to it.

More less you can have a date every day and never be bored just no one takes time for that type of thing. I mean its simple to say " hey I have lots of home work but I really want to spend time together what if we work on home work together" or "hey lets go get some dollar bottle bubbles and go sit at the park" Any thing can give you time to spend together and get to know each other. And both girl and boy and ask each other out ( tho I prefer the guy do the asking the first few times)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to have a baby either! I'm so baby hungry right now, it's insane! I hate feeling like this, but at the same time, I'm so full of want! I want the tiny bundle of joy in my arms, I want to see my love reflected in my child's, I want to stay up all night making my baby feel better, and I want to play with her and teach her all kinds of things! I want to be a mom so bad!
